Sound Sleeper
    Paper Materials
    Music, Video, Art

   Links | Facebook |
   Label | Limited Fanfare Records |

| Miami, FL |
| Biography | Stage Plot |
| MP3 "Celcius Vs. Farenheit" |
| Video | SOON |
| Album Cover | SOON |
| Photo 1 [web] [hi-res] - Credit: Dennis Ho |
| Photo 2 [web] [hi-res] - Credit: Dennis Ho |
| Photo 3 [web] [hi-res] - Credit: Dennis Ho |

Ex Norwegian
    Paper Materials
    Music, Video, Art


    Links | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Bandcamp | Vimeo | Soundcloud
                   | Tumblr | Myspace |
    Label | Limited Fanfare | Dying Van Gogh Records |

| Miami Beach, FL |
| Biography | Stage Plot |
| MP3 | "Aventura" | "Bibi Kan Werk It" |
               | "Original Copy" | "Ginger Baby" |
| Video | "Original Copy" |
| Album Cover | [web] [hi-res] |
| Photo 1 | [web] [hi-res] - Credit: Flavia Molinari |
| Photo 2 | [web] [hi-res] - Credit: Flavia Molinari |
| Photo 3 | [web] [hi-res] - Credit: Flavia Molinari |
| Photo 4 | [web] [hi-res] - Credit: Flavia Molinari |


Brian Kurtz
Limited Fanfare Management
brian (at) limitedfanfare (dot) com
PO BOX 565064 Miami, FL 33256
P: 954.304.4395 | F: 206-309-9709

We ABSOLUTELY accept unsolicited materials... Please DO NOT send any attachments if you're sending over your music... links (soundcloud, etc) are much better, sexier and don't waste time, bandwidth or the environment.

Click HERE to visit the Limited Fanfare Records site

Limited Fanfare Management